Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Hello! I am Kaitlin Jean. I don't really what to tell you about myself except for the fact that I am a young woman painting the portrait of her life. I love God with all my heart! He is the sun to my universe and everything of mine is His. I am a freshman in college and my major is currently undeclared. I started my first semester of college with this idea of what it was going to be like and all the things I was going to do. I was so wrong. College life is not something you can really understand and know about until you live it. So that fact is what has kind of brought me to start writing a blog. Over the holiday break a lot of crazy things happened in my life. During all of the chaos and obstacles I went through in such a short period of time, I was inspired. I was inspired to work hard in school, to make more friends, and to grow closer to the friends and family I do have. I was inspired to become Kaitlin Jean. I know who I am, but I also know who I want to be. I know I want the picture at the end of my life to be an amazing masterpiece. I want it to be filled with every color and to have every shape existing in the strokes of all my decisions and all my steps in this journey. Life has inspired me and now it is my turn to inspire life!

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